Comments Posted By Conservative Republican Woman
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If there are worthy causes promoted by Malkin they've been lost in her constant drone of blahblahblah Alien Invaders! blahblahblah Deport Them! blahblahblah Rapists and Pedophiles! Blahblahblah Tuberculosis! Blahblahblah Open Borders! Blahblahblah Moonbats & Crapweasels & other juvenile epithets!

She made herself a dislikable, wild eyed caricature and entered the Lou Dobbs category a long time ago. To the point that I cannot catch a glimpse of her face or listen to 10 seconds of her nasty, condescending lectures without having a physical reaction. It pains me that Malkin has been allowed to become a prominent face of "conservatives" and women. She does not speak for me.

Let Michelle talk, but she has zero credibility. My beef with FoxNews is that it is not even close to fair and balanced on the immigration issue. Example, there is the brilliant, extremely articulate Kim Strassel armed with facts (not bumper sticker phrases and inane scare tactics) who DOES speak for me, but who is kept hidden by the geniuses at Fox. If they must let Malkin drone on and on and on (plus Gibson, Hannity, Gingrich, et al.) why not give equal time in a calm format to someone like Strassel? Actually, it would be demeaning to Strassel to appear with Michelle the clown and the self-appointed border expert. But something along these lines might indicate to former fans that Fox hasn't become a giant, repetitive hysteria machine.

I'm afraid Geraldo spoke for me... precisely, and with the same level of frustration the Malkins of the Right have caused for me over the last couple years. I cheered when I read his comment. But it disappointed me that it had to come from a non-right wing ideologue. Pretty soon, the GOP needs to put up some reasonable opposition to the immigration obsessed loud mouths. The "debate" is pitched so far over the lines that most people I know run away with hair on fire whenever the subject arises -- which is pretty much 24/7 on the "conservative" airwaves. Geraldo brought a miniscule amount of balance or push-back to the conversation. Why is it that his few sentences stand out when Malkin has been dishing outrage and vitriol and a whole lotta nonsense for what seems like an eternity?

Comment Posted By Conservative Republican Woman On 7.09.2007 @ 11:04

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